Some people ask when I know my novel is done. The answer is . . . I don't
think I ever would ever be finished if it wasn't for a deadline. How could
one ever look at a whole body of work and say, "It is perfect."
There are always descriptions to deepen and dialogue to make more
believable. The ending . . . well, is never quite right, and there are
always those few places that bug me. The words I can never get quite right.
Working with critique partners helps. Working with editors does too. But
still I can see so many weak spots.
Even now I'm reading the galley for my upcoming novel. I'm suppose to be
just checking for errors, but I can STILL see things I'd like to change.
Since I am human, I'll never write a perfect novel. But still, as I send the
comments back with the galley, knowing that whatever is there will be in
print ... I have to say "It is finished."
Just like a day is finished, without everything getting done, the
realization comes that a novel will never be perfect. And it never can be.
Still, I can rest easy at night knowing God strengthened me and guided me
and knowing that I gave it my best . . . and knowing that even without
perfection God can use my story to touch hearts. And with that I can say,
"It is good."
Okay, so I have been a slacker in that I haven't worked much the last week on my book. I did do some typesetting. I finished a chapter. But, things are mellowing some and think I will have a little more time to work on it this week. Have a working weekend coming up, but believe that will be a snap with only two stories so far. My goal is to typeset the rest of the chapter begun and the next chapter with one chapter to be (hand) written by next Tuesday. I am wincing at this, but know if I really set my mind to it, I CAN do it!
You can do it, Jen!
Okay, typset another 1,200 words today and completed another chapter of handwritten work. Doing pretty good. So, think I will surpass my goal. Tomorrow should be another evening like tonight was and so, I will aim to do as well. Yee Haw!
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