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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Character Arc...Marlo Schalesky

I asked some of my writer friends this question:

So, tell me. How did you change and grow during 2007? What was your character arch?

This is what my dear friend, Marlo Schalesky, had to say:

Hmmm, my character arch for 2007. This was a big year for me. I started the year just coming off an awful miscarriage and ready to begin another round of infertility treatments. I thought that God would have another baby for us, and no way would put us through the nightmare of another miscarriage. I was wrong. God asked me to face the one thing I begged Him not to make me go through … not just once more, but three more times. Three miscarriages in a row, to end our hopes for having another baby. And through it, God taught me to accept both the wonderful and the difficult from His hand. He taught me to trust Him despite the darkness. He taught me to walk forward, through His will, and hang on in faith through times that don’t make sense. And so I come to the end of this year weary but grateful for the love of God in Christ. I come, with my hand firmly planted in His, moving ahead into the next stage of life. I come knowing that God knows what He’s doing in my life, and I can trust Him. He leads, I follow. I accept His will and catch my breath at His wonder . . . even when life doesn’t turn out the way I’d hoped and planned.


Marlo Schalesky is the award winning author of six books, including her upcoming novel BEYOND THE NIGHT, which will release in May of 2007. BEYOND THE NIGHT is the first of Marlo’s “Love Stories With a Twist” – poignant love stories with I-never-saw-it-coming ending twist. Her novel released in 2007 was VEIL OF FIRE, a historical mystery which explored the great Minnesota firestorm of 1894 and the figure who appeared in the hills afterward. Marlo has also had over 600 articles published in various magazines, had her work included in compilations such as Dr. Dobson’s Night Light Devotional for Couples, and is a regular columnist for Power for Living. Marlo recently earned her Masters degree in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and is currently working on three contemporary novels for Multnomah-Waterbrook Publishers, a division of Random House. She lives in Salinas , California with her husband and four daughters.

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Jill said...

I loved Marlo's book, Veil of Fire. Can't wait to get ahold of Beyond the Night.

I, too, have been through a miscarriage. It's so hard because no one knows how to grieve with you or what to say. But, like Marla said so well, God is there - even in the lowest of times...

Kathy said...

Thanks for sharing Marlo' anguish about miscarriage. It is a solitary grief unless we discover God who is standing with us.

Tricia Goyer said...

I too remember looking around at church after my miscarriage and thinking, "No one understands how much I'm hurting."

Thank you, Marlo, for sharing your heart. I love you, gal!