Welcome to the blog of author Tricia Goyer!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The truth is writers should be readers.

Are you? What do you read?

What I read:

Magazines: Today's Christian Woman, Marriage Partnership, Focus on the Family, Discipleship Journal, Women's Day, Good Housekeeping, etc. And People (Yes, you read that right).

Newspaper: Our local paper daily. Sometimes USA Today.

Non-fiction: Recently Andrew Murray's books Absolute Surrender and The True Vine (finished this morning), Sit, Stand, Walk by Watchman Nee and lots of other classics. This is my FAVORITE category, and I read these more than any other.

Memoirs: Girl Meets God. White China. 90 Minutes in Heaven. The Middle Place. A Romance Education.

Fiction: The Shack was my latest. I started Pride and Prejudice.

Travel: Currently, The Czechs in a Nutshell and Prague: Then and Now.

I'm also partial to cereal boxes, food labels, the small print on anything.

I read at least thirty minutes a day while I ride on my exercise bike.

And when I travel.

At lunch.

And in the bath.

And when I'm tired of writing for the day.

Stop Lurking! Every week I will draw names for a free Tricia Goyer book from those who comment on my blogs. Winner's choice! Tell your friends


Jill said...

Like many others, you've reinforced a habit that writers must adopt and that's to read. I'm amazed at the number of people who believe that a writer doesn't have to be a reader. How else will you learn to write? Learn about other cultures, writing styles, etc.?

Most importantly, how will you broaden your horizons?

By reading.

Anonymous said...

Great post Trisha. Right now, my reading material, aside from the bible, is all the writing books I can find!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I mean...

"Great post, TRICIA!" Forgive me for having a no-brain moment!