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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Czech update!

You can read previous updates and see pictures from our trip here!

Things have been going very good here. We've had more contacts with people. One of our young men, Isaac, had lunch with the unbelieving family of one of the teens and it went very well. Other members have gone to coffee with other people we've met--all unbelievers with many questions. Also, there were 15 unbelievers at our mini-concert and farewell party. The Czech church was SO excited. Their whole church is 40 adults and they have a very hard time connecting with new people. Additional people came to church on Sunday who we connected with at the camp. God is good!

Then, last night at a family seminar I taught, another young couple from camp came. That's the first time they've been to church. EVERYONE keeps asking us if we'll come back, including them. So keep praying!!! It's amazing really the relationships we've built in such a short time ... and we'll continue to pray that these people will continue the connection with the church body even after we're gone.

Pray for encouragement for the team too. Yesterday we went to an amazing Bethlehem model (it was very cool) and a castle. (They Czech people had planned this surprise for us.) But during this mini-trip, I heard more than one person (teens) mention that this last week has seemed uneventful. Both John and I talked to them about all the unbelievers who have connected with the Czech Church. I don't think they realize what a HUGE thing this is!!!

So pray that God will encourage their hearts and they will see that these relationships we're building are the main point of the trip. The fact that one young man has given his heart to Christ is unbelievable, as the missionary had only had three commitments in seven years.

Also pray for us today. (Thursday) We are going to a large neighboring town to pass out Bibles, do 5-minute English lessons, and encourage people to sign up for longer English lessons they'll be doing. (It's the same town my friend Robin Jones Gunn smuggled Bibles into in the 1970s ... and we'll be passing them out on the streets!) Pray that we'll connect with people and be encouraged as a team.


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